Emergency C-Section: Dad’s Shock as Baby’s Face Turns Unrecognizable, Room Goes Silent

Jennie and her husband were content waiting for their child, with all tests indicating that the baby was doing well.

However, concerns grew when Jennie had to undergo an emergency C-section at 34 weeks. Although the surgery and delivery were successful, it soon became apparent that something was not right with Jennie’s daughter.


“When they took her out I heard her scream and they said: She is so beautiful.” These are the words every mother wants to hear, so I smiled and relaxed “, Jennie shared.

But moments later, the atmosphere in the room changed dramatically. The baby’s face started to change.

Nurses and doctors quickly became alarmed as they witnessed the baby’s skin hardening almost instantly. As the skin solidified, it began to crack, creating open wounds across her body. Jennie, seeing the panic on their faces, asked if everything was alright.


After the doctor assured Jennie that they had everything under control, she was given a sedative that caused her to fall asleep.

When Jennie awoke a few hours later, a doctor informed her that her newborn daughter, Anna, had been diagnosed with Harlequin ichthyosis. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Jennie looked at her husband in shock.

“My husband’s silence scared me. He was only shocked when the doctor left. He just kept saying, “This is bad.”

Harlequin ichthyosis is a genetic disorder that causes the skin to grow approximately 14 times faster than normal, resulting in severe redness across the body and affecting the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears.

Most infants born with Harlequin ichthyosis face a very limited survival period, often just a few days. However, those who do survive can expect a normal lifespan, though they may experience complications and developmental delays, particularly in motor skills.

“I spent the next two days looking for information about her condition. I realized the poor quality of life that awaited her. I allowed myself to admit this thought, since it was only at that moment, at the most confused and lonely period of my life. There and then I thought it might be better if she died, ”Jennie reflects.


But it turned out that Jennie’s daughter was a tough little fighter. With the support of doctors and her family, Anna managed to pull through.

Eventually, Jennie and her husband were able to bring her home, where they dedicated themselves to her care.


Since then, Jennie has started an Instagram account to chronicle the ups and downs of her and her daughter’s journey.

“I now understand that I got her because of the love I already carry in my heart for my daughter. Anna was meant for me, and I for her, and together we will show the world how beautiful it can be ”.


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